fredag, januar 31, 2014

Hasenbach Challenge

End of month, and I can show you the progress I made in January... :-)

Some blocks:

3 inch snow crystal

4 inch crystal, and 6 inch winter house

And this is how it looks so fare.
2 of the sections are joined together,  the left part and the church part.

It's "only" the upper right part that misses some blocks.
Making more of the 3 inch snow crystal as the one in the first picture.
Don't miss to look at the others that's working with this challenge as well.

Have a wonderful weekend. :-)

torsdag, januar 23, 2014

Heia Malmö FF, quilt finished !

Omsider, ferdig!!

Det tok litt tid, men nå er det klart. Quiltingen var det som tok lengst tid.
Tenkte jeg skulle trene på stipling, men tråden bare gikk av hele tiden, så det ble vanlige sömmer isteden.

Den lyseblå fargen ser nesten litt grönnaktig ut i det dårlige vinterlyset, men inne er den riktig lyseblå.
Som sagt, dårlig lys, og bare mobiltetelfon bilder, har fortsatt ikke funnet min kamera-lader....

The Quilt out in daylight, if you can call it that. Half dark, and grey, and only pictures with my cell- phone.
The light blue color almost turn into green in this light.

The quilt measures 1,60 x 1,30 m, and that is ca.  63 x 51 inch.

The backside....

Close up , front

Close up in the front, middle.
The football is made from small hexagons...

It's still just January,  and 0 degrees!!! freezing!  Picture from my window at lunchtime today.
Have a nice day.


tirsdag, januar 21, 2014

Quilting....and ongoing project

I'm quilting...

Skuldrene verker, og armene kjens litt stive, men hva gjör det, jeg snart ferdig....
Nå er det nesten bare borden igjen, og det kjens skjönt.

My shoulders are acing and my hands feels stiff, but I'm happy!! Soon finished quilting.
Almost only the border left.......

Så et bildet av et stadig pågående prosjekt. Noen ganger syr jeg mye, så kan de ligge noen uker för jeg tar det igjen, min hexagoner....

My hexagon project is growing, but it takes time. The plan is to fill around this as the middle of a top. As you understand, I will have work during quilting meetings and TV looking in the evenings for a long time yet....

Have a nice day.


tirsdag, januar 14, 2014

A football fan quilt :-D

Min mann, og hans sönn og famile er football fans.
Malmö FF skal det väre.... himmelsblått og hvit.
Hva gjör man da når dette laget vinner den svenske serien?
Jo, da tenker man litt, og så småningom kommer man på hvordan man skal gjöre for å få ihop en quilt.

Toppen er klar, og baksiden er satt sammen, men den trenger litt justering enda, ser jeg...
Fotballen i midten er håndsydde  hexagons, og applikert på midtblokket.
Hjörneblokkene er wonky stars.
Vatten ligger klar, så snart er det bare å sette igang og quilte.....ooops!! Det blir nok litt spennende. Er alltid litt spent för jeg får satt den förste sömmen....

Slik ser i alle fall toppen ut. Fotball-stoffet måtte jeg kjöpe fra USA, det fantes ikke å få tak her,  i de farger jeg hadde tenkt meg. Alltid litt spennede når man lager eget design, man ser ikke helheten för det er sydd ferdig.

My HB, and his son and his family are football fans.
It's the local team, Malmö FF, blue and white.
This autumn they won the Swedish 2013 series. :-)
I wanted to make a quilt in the  teams colors, and this is as close as I could.
The blue is not exactly the correct tone, but it's close enough..
The football is made from hexagons, and appliqued on the mid block 
The top is finished, and the backing as well, and the batting is cut, so I just need to start the last part of the work, make a quilt!!
Always scary to start quilting, it could go wrong... 
Have a nice day, and smile, the sun is on the right side of it's turn.

fredag, januar 10, 2014

Mini purses and more :-D

Det er trist og grått ute, og da er det bra at man har en hobby.
Jeg har sydd 2 nye mini punger, og en har fått nökkelring.
Det er mange varianter for tillpassning med dette mönsteret.

The weather is rainy, grey and no fun at all. We have no snow, yet.
Happy to have a hobby. :-)
Made 2 more of the small purses, one with a key ring.

All 6 finished tablemats, and you can see the runner at the end of table.
If I'm able to find more inspiration, I might make 2 more, so all 8 places at the table can have one...
And something unusual... !!!
When I went for a small walk this afternoon with the dog, and I came across this flower.
I's blooming.... !!  outside in a garden close to the sea.....
Either it's too late, or it's fare to early......
Anyway, it was a nice sight. Reminds me that we will have spring this year as well.
But I'm afraid  we will get some winter first. They are promising cold and snow in the weekend.
Have a nice day.

søndag, januar 05, 2014

Min förste WIP finish for 2014

Jeg hadde noen kuvertbrikker som var i arbeide fore jul, men jeg ble bare klare med 2 stykker.
Nå har jeg gjort ferdig 2 til. Jippi!!
Det er så fint å få litt bedre plass i den haugen som WIP ligger. :-)

Finally I finished 2 more of the small tablemats I had in process in December..

.. og så må dere besöke bloggen til  Edny i dag. Hun har en flott giveaway!!
Visit this blog today, and see the most generous give away. :-)

Have a nice day.

fredag, januar 03, 2014

Status for Hasenbach PP

Hello everybody.

As you know I joined this Challenge after the summer vacation, and the plan was to finish by end December 2013.
AS a plan is just that, I did Not manage to fulfill it, but I'm coming there, hopefully sooner then later... :-D

This is how it looks like today, and I have 1 big block with a house to finish, and some small blocks to get it all together.

And of course, since Katrin with the blog is such a superb cheer-leader, I also took on the 2014 challenge.
Waiting to see what that will bring me.... oooppps, it my be difficult!!

Have a wonderful sewing New year all of you.

Hugs and regards from Ingrid